The most popular fingernail brush of 2023

Did you find that the fingernail brush of the new manicure is hard, the glue is uneven, and there are impurities?

Today, I will teach you how to start a fingernail brush and make your fingernail brush most useful. The new fingernail brush we received is this hard, because in order to maintain the shape of the fingernail brush, there will be a wax seal on it. At this time, first use your hand to gently remove and tidy up, then use the pen washing water to wash it, put all the pen bristles into the pen washing water, let it dissolve the wax seal, at this time, you can press a little to wash out the wax seal in the middle of fingernail brush, and then wipe it clean with a dry cotton pad.

best fingernail brush

After washing the pen with water, the pen is still dry at this time and can not be used directly. We need to use primer or reinforcing glue to moisten the pen. Take a drop of primer in the palette, stick the primer on both sides of the brush, and then wipe it clean with a cotton pad. In this way, our pen becomes soft and elastic. Whether it is taking glue or brushing glue, it is very smooth and uniform, and there will be no brush marks.Be sure to stay away from the light therapy lamp and led lamp in the process of using, otherwise the residual glue on the brush will be dried, so that the pen will soon be useless and can not continue to use. Remember to use it later.

First clean the pen, then moisten the pen, then cover the lid and keep it, so that you can use it directly next time.

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